Offset your CO2 emissions with IBAC Carbon Credit Exchange
Out-of-Sector Based Measures to Meet Our Goals
The out-of-sector measure referenced in the BACCC, refers to offsetting that helps achieve the business aviation goal of carbon-neutral growth. Carbon credits can be purchased in the near term to supplement other decarbonization actions whose benefits will accumulate over a longer term, such as the use of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF), deployment of increasingly efficient aircraft, and implementation of operational improvements.
Operators wishing to focus on sustainable growth should assess the degree to which relatively easy fuel efficiencies and reductions can be gained, at reasonable expense, from such measures as purchasing SAF, reducing unnecessary weight in aircraft, fuel tankering, and exploring electrical ground power options. Carbon credits purchased through the IBAC Exchange – CTX partnership can then further offset operators' emissions, allowing operators to meet their own, voluntary carbon-reduction targets or meet potential compliance requirements.